About Us

Who We Are

“Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near.” – Isaiah 55:6

By the grace of the Lord, our church was founded as a place of worship and fellowship for all who seek and call upon His name. Through His abundant blessings, we have been privileged to establish a spiritual home for Romanian families in this land. In recognition of His unmerited favor, we named our church Grace, acknowledging that every blessing we receive comes from our Almighty God as a gift of grace.

We greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ with the words from Ephesians 6:24:
“Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. Amen.”

Brief History of Grace Romanian Pentecostal Church

By His grace and love, God has worked powerfully among the Romanian people, revealing Himself in unique ways. At the start of the 20th century, our ancestors experienced an outpouring of His blessings, and for this, we remain deeply grateful.


Amid historical challenges, many Romanians sought refuge abroad, bringing their faith with them. In 1978, a small group of Romanian believers in Houston formed a prayer group, which later grew into a church. In 1984, Brother Iosif Milaș was ordained as pastor, and in 1985, the church purchased its first property on Mesa Road. God continued to bless the ministry, fulfilling Acts 9:31: “The church… grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord.”


In 1997, the church moved to a new property on Milroy Street, with Brother Vasile Streango ordained as pastor. By God’s grace, the church remains a spiritual home for Romanian believers in Houston. In 2019, we were honored to host the 51st Convention of Romanian Pentecostal Churches in the U.S. and Canada.

We welcome you to join us as we worship together and eagerly await the return of our Lord Jesus Christ!

“Grace Church exists by the Lord’s grace. We greet you with Ephesians 6:24: ‘Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ.